
Our process is design to take ideas to products, we offer an holistic approach with the entire lifecylce of the product being considered.


The first step in the process is developing a spec to ensure no time is wasted in achieving goals.

Concept Design

The agreed upon specifications are then taken and solutions are designed around them. Whenever possible multiple solutions are brought to the table, giving flexibility and sparking creativity within the team.

Detail Design

Once a concept has been chosen, the design team continues to develop the concept until a product is born. Design reviews on key aspects are a must and ensure that the final product is not only within spec but exceeds expectations. When required physical prototypes of components ans sub-systems are made to ensure functionality. Cost, weight (*When this is a design parameter), manufacturability and assembly are given careful consideration  right from the beginning to ensure there are no costly delays later in the process.


The product is then taken into the real world with a fully-functional prototype. Our prototyping partners ensure a fast turnaround time and low cost during this phase. This is required for the customer to get hands on with the product and it operation. The prototype will also undergo a rigorous test procedure as was developed by the design team.


On successful prototyping of the product its back to the drawing board. The design will then go through an optimization process to reduce cost and *weight where possible while increasing manufacturability and ease of assembly. Service information and documentation are also developed at this stage to ensure that the full lifecycle of the product has been considered.


The product is then moved into pilot production phase. During this phase production partners are qualified through the PPAP process to ensure they can meet the design requirements. Once all the elements in the supply chain are qualified they will enter full production.